Established in 1956, the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT) is a registered not-for-profit organization in Trinidad and Tobago. FPATT is a fully accredited member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
Locally, FPATT falls under the purview of the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services and works closely with other state agencies including the Ministry of Health. FPATT is acknowledged by its civil society peers, the Government and other stakeholders and gatekeepers as a leader in the delivery of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and programmes to all.
FPATT consistently provides an integrated package of essential services to men, women, and young people. As a Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) advocate, our work is entrenched in a human rights approach which drives our ethos of leaving no-one behind. In addition to the general population, those classified as at-risk, disenfranchised, vulnerable and marginalized individuals form an important part of our programme focus.
One of FPATT’s main strategies is to create and build diverse networks and partnerships. This includes relationships with state agencies, private sector, international organizations, civil society, grassroots organizations, other global, national, and community-based stakeholders. The goal of these relationships is to support, amplify and advance FPATT’s work particularly among those most in need.
- FPATT is a Leader in the Caribbean Region promoting and ensuring sexual & reproductive health and rights for all.
- To ensure that every person living in Trinidad and Tobago acknowledges the right to the healthy expression of their sexuality and that all persons including the most vulnerable are supported in realizing this right.
Trinidad and Tobago
Americas & the Caribbean
Social Media
www.ttfpa.orgPhone No.
Tel: 627-3444 Call/WhatsApp: 292-3411 / Tel: 652-3065 WhatsApp Message ONLY: 778-5442 / Tel: 627-3444 Call/WhatsApp: 292-3411 / Tel: 627-3444 Call/WhatsApp: 292-3411 / (5) Migrant Support Helpline - Call/WhatsApp: 484-5905Address
#79 Oxford Street Port of Spain, Trinidad West Indies / San Fernando Chaconia Ave., Pleasantville / De Living Room Cor. New & Henry Streets, POS / Tobago 61 Bacolet Street, Tobago