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Latest resources from across the federation and our partners


A selection of resources from across the Federation

Map of the americas and the Caribbean

Latin American & the Caribbean Contraception Policy Atlas

IPPF Americas & the Caribbean, The European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (EPF) and Fòs Feminista announce the presentation of the first Latin American & the Caribbean Contraception Policy Atlas. The event took place on September 18, 2023, at the main auditorium of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino) in Panama City.
Advocacy Common Agenda

| 30 September 2020

IPPF's Advocacy Common Agenda

The Advocacy Common Agenda will guide our work at all levels of the Federation to achieve Outcome 1 of the IPPF Strategic Framework 2016–2022, namely to ensure that 100 governments respect, protect and fulfil sexual and reproductive rights and gender equality. In doing so, IPPF will contribute to the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, and to the Sustainable Development Goals. The Advocacy Common Agenda is focused on achieving national political change, placing accountability at the centre. IPPF will influence governments to change or uphold laws and policies to ensure that endorsed international agreements are translated into national action to improve the lives of women and girls. We will build on the Federation’s existing skills and experience as a major provider of SRHR to the most vulnerable and underserved populations, and use our Federation presence in 170 countries to work at four interconnected levels of influence: sub-national, national, regional and international.

Advocacy Common Agenda

| 30 September 2020

IPPF's Advocacy Common Agenda

The Advocacy Common Agenda will guide our work at all levels of the Federation to achieve Outcome 1 of the IPPF Strategic Framework 2016–2022, namely to ensure that 100 governments respect, protect and fulfil sexual and reproductive rights and gender equality. In doing so, IPPF will contribute to the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, and to the Sustainable Development Goals. The Advocacy Common Agenda is focused on achieving national political change, placing accountability at the centre. IPPF will influence governments to change or uphold laws and policies to ensure that endorsed international agreements are translated into national action to improve the lives of women and girls. We will build on the Federation’s existing skills and experience as a major provider of SRHR to the most vulnerable and underserved populations, and use our Federation presence in 170 countries to work at four interconnected levels of influence: sub-national, national, regional and international.

how to talk about abortion - thumbnail image from the video

| 30 September 2020

Watch: Tips on how to talk about abortion

This short video (also available in French and Spanish) provides useful tips about what to consider when developing materials relating to abortion, including how to use rights-based messages and how to avoid using stigmatizing language and images. For more information, read our guide:   Regardez cette vidéo en français   Ver el video en español   Using these resources? Let us know how!

how to talk about abortion - thumbnail image from the video

| 30 September 2020

Watch: Tips on how to talk about abortion

This short video (also available in French and Spanish) provides useful tips about what to consider when developing materials relating to abortion, including how to use rights-based messages and how to avoid using stigmatizing language and images. For more information, read our guide:   Regardez cette vidéo en français   Ver el video en español   Using these resources? Let us know how!

cover page

| 30 September 2020

HIV prevention for girls and young women in Peru

cover page

| 30 September 2020

HIV prevention for girls and young women in Peru

Changing Lives

| 30 September 2020

Changing Lives... Voices from Peru

Instituto Peruano de Paternidad Responsible (INPPARES): The Equally Different project aimed at reaching sexually diverse groups through training and awareness-raising of staff and volunteers in services; supporting self-expression and improving communication about sexual diversity by improving the visibility of sexually diverse groups and raising the political profile of LGBTQ issues.

Changing Lives

| 30 September 2020

Changing Lives... Voices from Peru

Instituto Peruano de Paternidad Responsible (INPPARES): The Equally Different project aimed at reaching sexually diverse groups through training and awareness-raising of staff and volunteers in services; supporting self-expression and improving communication about sexual diversity by improving the visibility of sexually diverse groups and raising the political profile of LGBTQ issues.

front cover of the financial statements 2019

| 04 August 2020

Financial Statements 2019

The overall group income of IPPF has risen by US$51.8 million (46 per cent) to US$163.7 million (2018: US$111.9 million). Unrestricted total income and restricted income rose by US$1.9 million and US$49.86 million respectively. IPPF’s main source of funding is government grants, which account for 88 per cent (2018: 81 per cent) of total income. In 2019 unrestricted government funding increased by US$2.2 million (4 per cent) to US$57.4 million. The main reason for the increase in funding in 2019 was the increase in funding from Germany which rose from €6 million to €12 million. Restricted government funding amounted to US$87 million, up from US$35.2 million in 2018. A full analysis of restricted projects balances. The following Governments were the major contributors to the restricted funding of IPPF: Government of United Kingdom,through the WISH programme in Africa, South Asia and the Arab World US$59.23 million, the European Commission supported the State of African Women Campaign US$4.6 million, Government of Canada US$4.3 million, Government of Australia continued to provide support (US$2.4 million) in relation to the global SPRINTInitiative to provide sexual and reproductive health services to crisisand post crisis areas in South East Asia, the Pacific, South Asia andGovernment of Belgium contributed to the SHE Decides project US$2.07 million. The governments of the Netherlands, Norway, UK and an anonymous donor also provided funding of US$5.64 million to the Safe Abortion Action Fund. Grants from multilateral donors and other sources decreased by 13 per cent from US$20.7 million to US$18.1 million. A significant factor in the decrease was US$0.6 million from GIZ, US$0.26 million from Anonymous donors, and US$0.7 million decrease from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

front cover of the financial statements 2019

| 04 August 2020

Financial Statements 2019

The overall group income of IPPF has risen by US$51.8 million (46 per cent) to US$163.7 million (2018: US$111.9 million). Unrestricted total income and restricted income rose by US$1.9 million and US$49.86 million respectively. IPPF’s main source of funding is government grants, which account for 88 per cent (2018: 81 per cent) of total income. In 2019 unrestricted government funding increased by US$2.2 million (4 per cent) to US$57.4 million. The main reason for the increase in funding in 2019 was the increase in funding from Germany which rose from €6 million to €12 million. Restricted government funding amounted to US$87 million, up from US$35.2 million in 2018. A full analysis of restricted projects balances. The following Governments were the major contributors to the restricted funding of IPPF: Government of United Kingdom,through the WISH programme in Africa, South Asia and the Arab World US$59.23 million, the European Commission supported the State of African Women Campaign US$4.6 million, Government of Canada US$4.3 million, Government of Australia continued to provide support (US$2.4 million) in relation to the global SPRINTInitiative to provide sexual and reproductive health services to crisisand post crisis areas in South East Asia, the Pacific, South Asia andGovernment of Belgium contributed to the SHE Decides project US$2.07 million. The governments of the Netherlands, Norway, UK and an anonymous donor also provided funding of US$5.64 million to the Safe Abortion Action Fund. Grants from multilateral donors and other sources decreased by 13 per cent from US$20.7 million to US$18.1 million. A significant factor in the decrease was US$0.6 million from GIZ, US$0.26 million from Anonymous donors, and US$0.7 million decrease from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

Advocacy Common Agenda

| 30 September 2020

IPPF's Advocacy Common Agenda

The Advocacy Common Agenda will guide our work at all levels of the Federation to achieve Outcome 1 of the IPPF Strategic Framework 2016–2022, namely to ensure that 100 governments respect, protect and fulfil sexual and reproductive rights and gender equality. In doing so, IPPF will contribute to the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, and to the Sustainable Development Goals. The Advocacy Common Agenda is focused on achieving national political change, placing accountability at the centre. IPPF will influence governments to change or uphold laws and policies to ensure that endorsed international agreements are translated into national action to improve the lives of women and girls. We will build on the Federation’s existing skills and experience as a major provider of SRHR to the most vulnerable and underserved populations, and use our Federation presence in 170 countries to work at four interconnected levels of influence: sub-national, national, regional and international.

Advocacy Common Agenda

| 30 September 2020

IPPF's Advocacy Common Agenda

The Advocacy Common Agenda will guide our work at all levels of the Federation to achieve Outcome 1 of the IPPF Strategic Framework 2016–2022, namely to ensure that 100 governments respect, protect and fulfil sexual and reproductive rights and gender equality. In doing so, IPPF will contribute to the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, and to the Sustainable Development Goals. The Advocacy Common Agenda is focused on achieving national political change, placing accountability at the centre. IPPF will influence governments to change or uphold laws and policies to ensure that endorsed international agreements are translated into national action to improve the lives of women and girls. We will build on the Federation’s existing skills and experience as a major provider of SRHR to the most vulnerable and underserved populations, and use our Federation presence in 170 countries to work at four interconnected levels of influence: sub-national, national, regional and international.

how to talk about abortion - thumbnail image from the video

| 30 September 2020

Watch: Tips on how to talk about abortion

This short video (also available in French and Spanish) provides useful tips about what to consider when developing materials relating to abortion, including how to use rights-based messages and how to avoid using stigmatizing language and images. For more information, read our guide:   Regardez cette vidéo en français   Ver el video en español   Using these resources? Let us know how!

how to talk about abortion - thumbnail image from the video

| 30 September 2020

Watch: Tips on how to talk about abortion

This short video (also available in French and Spanish) provides useful tips about what to consider when developing materials relating to abortion, including how to use rights-based messages and how to avoid using stigmatizing language and images. For more information, read our guide:   Regardez cette vidéo en français   Ver el video en español   Using these resources? Let us know how!

cover page

| 30 September 2020

HIV prevention for girls and young women in Peru

cover page

| 30 September 2020

HIV prevention for girls and young women in Peru

Changing Lives

| 30 September 2020

Changing Lives... Voices from Peru

Instituto Peruano de Paternidad Responsible (INPPARES): The Equally Different project aimed at reaching sexually diverse groups through training and awareness-raising of staff and volunteers in services; supporting self-expression and improving communication about sexual diversity by improving the visibility of sexually diverse groups and raising the political profile of LGBTQ issues.

Changing Lives

| 30 September 2020

Changing Lives... Voices from Peru

Instituto Peruano de Paternidad Responsible (INPPARES): The Equally Different project aimed at reaching sexually diverse groups through training and awareness-raising of staff and volunteers in services; supporting self-expression and improving communication about sexual diversity by improving the visibility of sexually diverse groups and raising the political profile of LGBTQ issues.

front cover of the financial statements 2019

| 04 August 2020

Financial Statements 2019

The overall group income of IPPF has risen by US$51.8 million (46 per cent) to US$163.7 million (2018: US$111.9 million). Unrestricted total income and restricted income rose by US$1.9 million and US$49.86 million respectively. IPPF’s main source of funding is government grants, which account for 88 per cent (2018: 81 per cent) of total income. In 2019 unrestricted government funding increased by US$2.2 million (4 per cent) to US$57.4 million. The main reason for the increase in funding in 2019 was the increase in funding from Germany which rose from €6 million to €12 million. Restricted government funding amounted to US$87 million, up from US$35.2 million in 2018. A full analysis of restricted projects balances. The following Governments were the major contributors to the restricted funding of IPPF: Government of United Kingdom,through the WISH programme in Africa, South Asia and the Arab World US$59.23 million, the European Commission supported the State of African Women Campaign US$4.6 million, Government of Canada US$4.3 million, Government of Australia continued to provide support (US$2.4 million) in relation to the global SPRINTInitiative to provide sexual and reproductive health services to crisisand post crisis areas in South East Asia, the Pacific, South Asia andGovernment of Belgium contributed to the SHE Decides project US$2.07 million. The governments of the Netherlands, Norway, UK and an anonymous donor also provided funding of US$5.64 million to the Safe Abortion Action Fund. Grants from multilateral donors and other sources decreased by 13 per cent from US$20.7 million to US$18.1 million. A significant factor in the decrease was US$0.6 million from GIZ, US$0.26 million from Anonymous donors, and US$0.7 million decrease from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

front cover of the financial statements 2019

| 04 August 2020

Financial Statements 2019

The overall group income of IPPF has risen by US$51.8 million (46 per cent) to US$163.7 million (2018: US$111.9 million). Unrestricted total income and restricted income rose by US$1.9 million and US$49.86 million respectively. IPPF’s main source of funding is government grants, which account for 88 per cent (2018: 81 per cent) of total income. In 2019 unrestricted government funding increased by US$2.2 million (4 per cent) to US$57.4 million. The main reason for the increase in funding in 2019 was the increase in funding from Germany which rose from €6 million to €12 million. Restricted government funding amounted to US$87 million, up from US$35.2 million in 2018. A full analysis of restricted projects balances. The following Governments were the major contributors to the restricted funding of IPPF: Government of United Kingdom,through the WISH programme in Africa, South Asia and the Arab World US$59.23 million, the European Commission supported the State of African Women Campaign US$4.6 million, Government of Canada US$4.3 million, Government of Australia continued to provide support (US$2.4 million) in relation to the global SPRINTInitiative to provide sexual and reproductive health services to crisisand post crisis areas in South East Asia, the Pacific, South Asia andGovernment of Belgium contributed to the SHE Decides project US$2.07 million. The governments of the Netherlands, Norway, UK and an anonymous donor also provided funding of US$5.64 million to the Safe Abortion Action Fund. Grants from multilateral donors and other sources decreased by 13 per cent from US$20.7 million to US$18.1 million. A significant factor in the decrease was US$0.6 million from GIZ, US$0.26 million from Anonymous donors, and US$0.7 million decrease from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.