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Caribbean observatory on srhr-policy briefs


Caribbean Observatory on SRHR: Policy Briefs

Data and Advocacy critical to shaping SRHR in the Caribbean

Caribbean Observatory on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is an initiative spearheaded by IPPF Americas and the Caribbean Regional Office (IPPF ACRO). We are proudly collaborating with a dynamic coalition of Caribbean organizations committed to the well-being of our region in order to secure data and insights that are critical to shaping SRHR in the Caribbean. 

Policy briefs

These policy briefs, developed by the Spotlight Iniciative, seek to shed light on the current situation of pivotal SRHR issues in the Caribbean region, such as reduction of adolescent pregnancy, empowering youth, monitoring, child marriage and early unions, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, and several others.

The goal of these policy briefs on SRHR in the Caribbean is to create a strong foundation for informed discussions between civil society, governments, and international agencies, as supported by the Caribbean Observatory on SRHR. Such informed discussions between women’s rights experts and national authorities, focusing on reviewing policies, laws, and progress indicators like administrative data on service delivery and capacity, are vital for turning human rights commitments into meaningful national changes that empower women to exercise their rights.



Americas & the Caribbean

Accelerating Progress Towards the Reduction of Adolescent Pregnancy

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Empowering Young People: Eliminating Legal Barriers that Limit Access

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Protecting the Most Vulnerable: Pregnant Learners

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Sexual and Reproductive Health Landscape in the Caribbean Situational Monitoring

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The Impact of Child Marriage and Early Unions

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Towards a Better Future Enacting Policy and Legislation to Guarantee CSE

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Strengthening the Legislative Framework Governing SRHR in the Caribbean

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