The Advocacy Common Agenda will guide our work at all levels of the Federation to achieve Outcome 1 of the IPPF Strategic Framework 2016–2022, namely to ensure that 100 governments respect, protect and fulfil sexual and reproductive rights and gender equality. In doing so, IPPF will contribute to the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, and to the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Advocacy Common Agenda is focused on achieving national political change, placing accountability at the centre. IPPF will influence governments to change or uphold laws and policies to ensure that endorsed international agreements are translated into national action to improve the lives of women and girls. We will build on the Federation’s existing skills and experience as a major provider of SRHR to the most vulnerable and underserved populations, and use our Federation presence in 170 countries to work at four interconnected levels of influence: sub-national, national, regional and international.