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March News Round-Up

Brazil, Colombia, United States

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March News Round-Up

A brief summary of what happened throughout our region during March. Want to know more? Sign up to our newsletter below!

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the green wave
news item

| 29 December 2020

Argentina legalizes abortion / Argentina legaliza el aborto

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) welcomes the news of a historic decision by the Senate of the Republic of Argentina approving a national law on legal, safe and free abortion. The law will allow all women and adolescents access to abortion care for up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. IPPF celebrates the collective effort of thousands of activists, feminists, and grassroots organizations that continued to fight for access to safe and legal abortion care.  With the approval of this law, Argentina will become the fourth country in Latin America to legalize abortion care, joining Cuba, Guyana, and Uruguay. IPPF’s Director General Dr Alvaro Bermejo said: "This historic moment cannot be understated; a similar bill was put forth to the Senate in 2018 and was narrowly defeated. But the fire in the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of activists from all walks of life, was burning, and they continued to fight. The human right for all women, girls, and gender non-conforming people to have autonomy over their bodies to decide whether to be pregnant or not, is now a reality for millions of Argentinians. I hope that the Argentinian Green Wave becomes a spark for the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean and inspires countries to change their abortion laws, as millions of women and girls still lack access to safe and legal abortion in the region and are coerced to risk their lives by turning to unsafe abortions." The law includes: Abortion care deadlines: Abortion care is available for up to 14 weeks of gestation. Once an abortion care service is requested, it must be performed within 10 days. Comprehensive and free coverage: Abortion care must be included in the Compulsory Medical Program (PMO) to guarantee integral and free coverage in all Argentinian health sub-systems. Informed consent: Consent in writing must be provided by people seeking an abortion. Anyone at the age of consent (16 years old) does not need to be accompanied by an adult. Anyone under the age of 13 years old, will require the assistance of at least one parent or legal representative. ‘Conscientious objection’ and referral to guarantee abortion: Those who deny abortion care based on ‘conscientious objection’ are required to refer the clients to another facility that will provide the service. The law stipulates that "in all cases, abortion care must be guaranteed" and that "the steps and costs associated with the referral and transfer shall be borne by the service that makes the referral". Kate Gilmore, chair of IPPF’s Board said: "Argentinian Green Wave, we thank you. Your persistence, bravery, solidarity, and compassion will continue inspiring us all to realize women’s right to safe and legal abortion care all over the world."   Spanish translation La Federación Internacional de Planificación Familiar (IPPF) recibe con gran satisfacción la noticia de una histórica decisión tomada por el Senado de la República Argentina al aprobar una ley nacional sobre el aborto legal, seguro y libre (IVE por sus siglas en español). La ley permitirá a todas las mujeres y adolescentes el acceso a la atención del aborto hasta las 14 semanas de embarazo. La IPPF celebra el esfuerzo colectivo de miles de activistas, feministas y organizaciones de base que siguieron luchando por el acceso a la atención del aborto seguro y legal. Con la aprobación de esta ley, la Argentina se convertirá en el cuarto país de América Latina en legalizar la atención del aborto, junto con Cuba, Guyana y el Uruguay. El Director General de la IPPF, Dr. Álvaro Bermejo, dijo: “Este momento histórico no puede ser subestimado; un proyecto de ley similar fue presentado al Senado en 2018 y fue derrotado por pocos votos en el Senado. Pero el fuego en los corazones y las mentes de cientos de miles de activistas de todos los ámbitos de la vida estaba ardiendo, y siguieron luchando. El derecho humano de todas las mujeres, niñas y personas no conformes con el género a tener autonomía sobre sus cuerpos para decidir si continuarán o no embarazadas, pronto será una realidad para millones de argentinos. Espero que la Ola Verde argentina, se convierta en una chispa para el resto de América Latina y el Caribe e inspire a los países a cambiar sus leyes o legislar sobre el aborto, ya que millones de mujeres y niñas todavía carecen de acceso al aborto seguro y legal en la región y se ven obligadas a arriesgar sus vidas recurriendo en la clandestinidad a abortos inseguros." La ley incluye: Plazos de atención del aborto: La atención del aborto estará disponible hasta las 14 semanas de gestación. Una vez que se solicita un aborto, debe realizarse dentro de los 10 días. Cobertura completa y gratuita: La atención del aborto debe estar incluida en el Programa Médico Obligatorio (PMO) para garantizar la cobertura integral y gratuita en todos los subsistemas de salud argentinos. Consentimiento informado: El consentimiento por escrito debe ser otorgado por las personas que busca un interruoción del embarazo. Las personas que se encuentren en edad de dar su consentimiento (16 años) no necesitan estar acompañadas por un adulto. Los menores de 13 años, requerirán la asistencia de al menos uno de los padres o representante legal. "Objeción de conciencia" y referencia para garantizar el aborto: Aquellos profesioanles que nieguen la atención del aborto basado en la 'objeción de conciencia' deben referir a las solicitantes a otro centro que proporcione el servicio en tiempo y forma. La ley estipula que "en todos los casos se debe garantizar la atención del aborto" y que "los pasos y los costos asociados con la derivación y el traslado serán sufragados por el servicio que realiza la derivación". Kate Gilmore, Presidenta de la IPPF dijo: "Ola Verde Argentina, te damos las gracias. Tu persistencia, valentía, solidaridad y compasión seguirán inspirándonos a todos para realizar el derecho de las mujeres a la atención del aborto seguro y legal en todo el mundo."   Image credit: Gabriela Bacin Gemetro

the green wave

| 30 December 2020

Argentina legalizes abortion / Argentina legaliza el aborto

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) welcomes the news of a historic decision by the Senate of the Republic of Argentina approving a national law on legal, safe and free abortion. The law will allow all women and adolescents access to abortion care for up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. IPPF celebrates the collective effort of thousands of activists, feminists, and grassroots organizations that continued to fight for access to safe and legal abortion care.  With the approval of this law, Argentina will become the fourth country in Latin America to legalize abortion care, joining Cuba, Guyana, and Uruguay. IPPF’s Director General Dr Alvaro Bermejo said: "This historic moment cannot be understated; a similar bill was put forth to the Senate in 2018 and was narrowly defeated. But the fire in the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of activists from all walks of life, was burning, and they continued to fight. The human right for all women, girls, and gender non-conforming people to have autonomy over their bodies to decide whether to be pregnant or not, is now a reality for millions of Argentinians. I hope that the Argentinian Green Wave becomes a spark for the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean and inspires countries to change their abortion laws, as millions of women and girls still lack access to safe and legal abortion in the region and are coerced to risk their lives by turning to unsafe abortions." The law includes: Abortion care deadlines: Abortion care is available for up to 14 weeks of gestation. Once an abortion care service is requested, it must be performed within 10 days. Comprehensive and free coverage: Abortion care must be included in the Compulsory Medical Program (PMO) to guarantee integral and free coverage in all Argentinian health sub-systems. Informed consent: Consent in writing must be provided by people seeking an abortion. Anyone at the age of consent (16 years old) does not need to be accompanied by an adult. Anyone under the age of 13 years old, will require the assistance of at least one parent or legal representative. ‘Conscientious objection’ and referral to guarantee abortion: Those who deny abortion care based on ‘conscientious objection’ are required to refer the clients to another facility that will provide the service. The law stipulates that "in all cases, abortion care must be guaranteed" and that "the steps and costs associated with the referral and transfer shall be borne by the service that makes the referral". Kate Gilmore, chair of IPPF’s Board said: "Argentinian Green Wave, we thank you. Your persistence, bravery, solidarity, and compassion will continue inspiring us all to realize women’s right to safe and legal abortion care all over the world."   Spanish translation La Federación Internacional de Planificación Familiar (IPPF) recibe con gran satisfacción la noticia de una histórica decisión tomada por el Senado de la República Argentina al aprobar una ley nacional sobre el aborto legal, seguro y libre (IVE por sus siglas en español). La ley permitirá a todas las mujeres y adolescentes el acceso a la atención del aborto hasta las 14 semanas de embarazo. La IPPF celebra el esfuerzo colectivo de miles de activistas, feministas y organizaciones de base que siguieron luchando por el acceso a la atención del aborto seguro y legal. Con la aprobación de esta ley, la Argentina se convertirá en el cuarto país de América Latina en legalizar la atención del aborto, junto con Cuba, Guyana y el Uruguay. El Director General de la IPPF, Dr. Álvaro Bermejo, dijo: “Este momento histórico no puede ser subestimado; un proyecto de ley similar fue presentado al Senado en 2018 y fue derrotado por pocos votos en el Senado. Pero el fuego en los corazones y las mentes de cientos de miles de activistas de todos los ámbitos de la vida estaba ardiendo, y siguieron luchando. El derecho humano de todas las mujeres, niñas y personas no conformes con el género a tener autonomía sobre sus cuerpos para decidir si continuarán o no embarazadas, pronto será una realidad para millones de argentinos. Espero que la Ola Verde argentina, se convierta en una chispa para el resto de América Latina y el Caribe e inspire a los países a cambiar sus leyes o legislar sobre el aborto, ya que millones de mujeres y niñas todavía carecen de acceso al aborto seguro y legal en la región y se ven obligadas a arriesgar sus vidas recurriendo en la clandestinidad a abortos inseguros." La ley incluye: Plazos de atención del aborto: La atención del aborto estará disponible hasta las 14 semanas de gestación. Una vez que se solicita un aborto, debe realizarse dentro de los 10 días. Cobertura completa y gratuita: La atención del aborto debe estar incluida en el Programa Médico Obligatorio (PMO) para garantizar la cobertura integral y gratuita en todos los subsistemas de salud argentinos. Consentimiento informado: El consentimiento por escrito debe ser otorgado por las personas que busca un interruoción del embarazo. Las personas que se encuentren en edad de dar su consentimiento (16 años) no necesitan estar acompañadas por un adulto. Los menores de 13 años, requerirán la asistencia de al menos uno de los padres o representante legal. "Objeción de conciencia" y referencia para garantizar el aborto: Aquellos profesioanles que nieguen la atención del aborto basado en la 'objeción de conciencia' deben referir a las solicitantes a otro centro que proporcione el servicio en tiempo y forma. La ley estipula que "en todos los casos se debe garantizar la atención del aborto" y que "los pasos y los costos asociados con la derivación y el traslado serán sufragados por el servicio que realiza la derivación". Kate Gilmore, Presidenta de la IPPF dijo: "Ola Verde Argentina, te damos las gracias. Tu persistencia, valentía, solidaridad y compasión seguirán inspirándonos a todos para realizar el derecho de las mujeres a la atención del aborto seguro y legal en todo el mundo."   Image credit: Gabriela Bacin Gemetro

us flag waving
news item

| 07 November 2020

US Election 2020: The people of the United States have voted for change and progress

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) congratulates US President-elect Joe Biden on his victory. It is hard to overstate the global damage to sexual and reproductive health and rights by the Trump Administration, and the global effort and collaboration which will be required under President-elect Biden to undo the harm. The US Global Gag Rule remains the greatest of threats to sexual and reproductive healthcare. IPPF calls on President-elect Biden to keep to his word of signing an executive order on his first day in office to repeal the harmful Global Gag Rule aka the Mexico City Policy. Further to this, we are counting on the Biden administration to push for a permanent repeal to this policy so that the shadow of it no longer hangs over communities around the world. IPPF refused to sign the Global Gag Rule because it would not be coerced or threatened into abandoning its support for access to vital safe and legal abortion care for women around the world. The consequent loss of US funding for sexual and reproductive healthcare affected 53 projects in 32 countries, severely impacted proven programs that provided comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for millions of people, especially women and girls, and marginalized communities.  IPPF Director-General Dr Alvaro Bermejo said: “Today the people of the United States have voted for change and progress.   For the past four years, the United States has been governed by macho-politics, undermining the international standing of the US and its reputation as a global leader and champion of human rights.    We very much look forward to working with the Biden Administration and we will be pushing for the permanent repeal of the Global Gag Rule; and with that to ensuring that sexual and reproductive healthcare is a reality for everyone, everywhere.”   Image source: Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash   <img src="https://tracker.metricool.com/c3po.jpg?hash=8b2b54e62fc802a9ae3ee7903a883415"/>

us flag waving

| 07 November 2020

US Election 2020: The people of the United States have voted for change and progress

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) congratulates US President-elect Joe Biden on his victory. It is hard to overstate the global damage to sexual and reproductive health and rights by the Trump Administration, and the global effort and collaboration which will be required under President-elect Biden to undo the harm. The US Global Gag Rule remains the greatest of threats to sexual and reproductive healthcare. IPPF calls on President-elect Biden to keep to his word of signing an executive order on his first day in office to repeal the harmful Global Gag Rule aka the Mexico City Policy. Further to this, we are counting on the Biden administration to push for a permanent repeal to this policy so that the shadow of it no longer hangs over communities around the world. IPPF refused to sign the Global Gag Rule because it would not be coerced or threatened into abandoning its support for access to vital safe and legal abortion care for women around the world. The consequent loss of US funding for sexual and reproductive healthcare affected 53 projects in 32 countries, severely impacted proven programs that provided comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for millions of people, especially women and girls, and marginalized communities.  IPPF Director-General Dr Alvaro Bermejo said: “Today the people of the United States have voted for change and progress.   For the past four years, the United States has been governed by macho-politics, undermining the international standing of the US and its reputation as a global leader and champion of human rights.    We very much look forward to working with the Biden Administration and we will be pushing for the permanent repeal of the Global Gag Rule; and with that to ensuring that sexual and reproductive healthcare is a reality for everyone, everywhere.”   Image source: Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash   <img src="https://tracker.metricool.com/c3po.jpg?hash=8b2b54e62fc802a9ae3ee7903a883415"/>

the green wave
news item

| 29 December 2020

Argentina legalizes abortion / Argentina legaliza el aborto

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) welcomes the news of a historic decision by the Senate of the Republic of Argentina approving a national law on legal, safe and free abortion. The law will allow all women and adolescents access to abortion care for up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. IPPF celebrates the collective effort of thousands of activists, feminists, and grassroots organizations that continued to fight for access to safe and legal abortion care.  With the approval of this law, Argentina will become the fourth country in Latin America to legalize abortion care, joining Cuba, Guyana, and Uruguay. IPPF’s Director General Dr Alvaro Bermejo said: "This historic moment cannot be understated; a similar bill was put forth to the Senate in 2018 and was narrowly defeated. But the fire in the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of activists from all walks of life, was burning, and they continued to fight. The human right for all women, girls, and gender non-conforming people to have autonomy over their bodies to decide whether to be pregnant or not, is now a reality for millions of Argentinians. I hope that the Argentinian Green Wave becomes a spark for the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean and inspires countries to change their abortion laws, as millions of women and girls still lack access to safe and legal abortion in the region and are coerced to risk their lives by turning to unsafe abortions." The law includes: Abortion care deadlines: Abortion care is available for up to 14 weeks of gestation. Once an abortion care service is requested, it must be performed within 10 days. Comprehensive and free coverage: Abortion care must be included in the Compulsory Medical Program (PMO) to guarantee integral and free coverage in all Argentinian health sub-systems. Informed consent: Consent in writing must be provided by people seeking an abortion. Anyone at the age of consent (16 years old) does not need to be accompanied by an adult. Anyone under the age of 13 years old, will require the assistance of at least one parent or legal representative. ‘Conscientious objection’ and referral to guarantee abortion: Those who deny abortion care based on ‘conscientious objection’ are required to refer the clients to another facility that will provide the service. The law stipulates that "in all cases, abortion care must be guaranteed" and that "the steps and costs associated with the referral and transfer shall be borne by the service that makes the referral". Kate Gilmore, chair of IPPF’s Board said: "Argentinian Green Wave, we thank you. Your persistence, bravery, solidarity, and compassion will continue inspiring us all to realize women’s right to safe and legal abortion care all over the world."   Spanish translation La Federación Internacional de Planificación Familiar (IPPF) recibe con gran satisfacción la noticia de una histórica decisión tomada por el Senado de la República Argentina al aprobar una ley nacional sobre el aborto legal, seguro y libre (IVE por sus siglas en español). La ley permitirá a todas las mujeres y adolescentes el acceso a la atención del aborto hasta las 14 semanas de embarazo. La IPPF celebra el esfuerzo colectivo de miles de activistas, feministas y organizaciones de base que siguieron luchando por el acceso a la atención del aborto seguro y legal. Con la aprobación de esta ley, la Argentina se convertirá en el cuarto país de América Latina en legalizar la atención del aborto, junto con Cuba, Guyana y el Uruguay. El Director General de la IPPF, Dr. Álvaro Bermejo, dijo: “Este momento histórico no puede ser subestimado; un proyecto de ley similar fue presentado al Senado en 2018 y fue derrotado por pocos votos en el Senado. Pero el fuego en los corazones y las mentes de cientos de miles de activistas de todos los ámbitos de la vida estaba ardiendo, y siguieron luchando. El derecho humano de todas las mujeres, niñas y personas no conformes con el género a tener autonomía sobre sus cuerpos para decidir si continuarán o no embarazadas, pronto será una realidad para millones de argentinos. Espero que la Ola Verde argentina, se convierta en una chispa para el resto de América Latina y el Caribe e inspire a los países a cambiar sus leyes o legislar sobre el aborto, ya que millones de mujeres y niñas todavía carecen de acceso al aborto seguro y legal en la región y se ven obligadas a arriesgar sus vidas recurriendo en la clandestinidad a abortos inseguros." La ley incluye: Plazos de atención del aborto: La atención del aborto estará disponible hasta las 14 semanas de gestación. Una vez que se solicita un aborto, debe realizarse dentro de los 10 días. Cobertura completa y gratuita: La atención del aborto debe estar incluida en el Programa Médico Obligatorio (PMO) para garantizar la cobertura integral y gratuita en todos los subsistemas de salud argentinos. Consentimiento informado: El consentimiento por escrito debe ser otorgado por las personas que busca un interruoción del embarazo. Las personas que se encuentren en edad de dar su consentimiento (16 años) no necesitan estar acompañadas por un adulto. Los menores de 13 años, requerirán la asistencia de al menos uno de los padres o representante legal. "Objeción de conciencia" y referencia para garantizar el aborto: Aquellos profesioanles que nieguen la atención del aborto basado en la 'objeción de conciencia' deben referir a las solicitantes a otro centro que proporcione el servicio en tiempo y forma. La ley estipula que "en todos los casos se debe garantizar la atención del aborto" y que "los pasos y los costos asociados con la derivación y el traslado serán sufragados por el servicio que realiza la derivación". Kate Gilmore, Presidenta de la IPPF dijo: "Ola Verde Argentina, te damos las gracias. Tu persistencia, valentía, solidaridad y compasión seguirán inspirándonos a todos para realizar el derecho de las mujeres a la atención del aborto seguro y legal en todo el mundo."   Image credit: Gabriela Bacin Gemetro

the green wave

| 30 December 2020

Argentina legalizes abortion / Argentina legaliza el aborto

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) welcomes the news of a historic decision by the Senate of the Republic of Argentina approving a national law on legal, safe and free abortion. The law will allow all women and adolescents access to abortion care for up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. IPPF celebrates the collective effort of thousands of activists, feminists, and grassroots organizations that continued to fight for access to safe and legal abortion care.  With the approval of this law, Argentina will become the fourth country in Latin America to legalize abortion care, joining Cuba, Guyana, and Uruguay. IPPF’s Director General Dr Alvaro Bermejo said: "This historic moment cannot be understated; a similar bill was put forth to the Senate in 2018 and was narrowly defeated. But the fire in the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of activists from all walks of life, was burning, and they continued to fight. The human right for all women, girls, and gender non-conforming people to have autonomy over their bodies to decide whether to be pregnant or not, is now a reality for millions of Argentinians. I hope that the Argentinian Green Wave becomes a spark for the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean and inspires countries to change their abortion laws, as millions of women and girls still lack access to safe and legal abortion in the region and are coerced to risk their lives by turning to unsafe abortions." The law includes: Abortion care deadlines: Abortion care is available for up to 14 weeks of gestation. Once an abortion care service is requested, it must be performed within 10 days. Comprehensive and free coverage: Abortion care must be included in the Compulsory Medical Program (PMO) to guarantee integral and free coverage in all Argentinian health sub-systems. Informed consent: Consent in writing must be provided by people seeking an abortion. Anyone at the age of consent (16 years old) does not need to be accompanied by an adult. Anyone under the age of 13 years old, will require the assistance of at least one parent or legal representative. ‘Conscientious objection’ and referral to guarantee abortion: Those who deny abortion care based on ‘conscientious objection’ are required to refer the clients to another facility that will provide the service. The law stipulates that "in all cases, abortion care must be guaranteed" and that "the steps and costs associated with the referral and transfer shall be borne by the service that makes the referral". Kate Gilmore, chair of IPPF’s Board said: "Argentinian Green Wave, we thank you. Your persistence, bravery, solidarity, and compassion will continue inspiring us all to realize women’s right to safe and legal abortion care all over the world."   Spanish translation La Federación Internacional de Planificación Familiar (IPPF) recibe con gran satisfacción la noticia de una histórica decisión tomada por el Senado de la República Argentina al aprobar una ley nacional sobre el aborto legal, seguro y libre (IVE por sus siglas en español). La ley permitirá a todas las mujeres y adolescentes el acceso a la atención del aborto hasta las 14 semanas de embarazo. La IPPF celebra el esfuerzo colectivo de miles de activistas, feministas y organizaciones de base que siguieron luchando por el acceso a la atención del aborto seguro y legal. Con la aprobación de esta ley, la Argentina se convertirá en el cuarto país de América Latina en legalizar la atención del aborto, junto con Cuba, Guyana y el Uruguay. El Director General de la IPPF, Dr. Álvaro Bermejo, dijo: “Este momento histórico no puede ser subestimado; un proyecto de ley similar fue presentado al Senado en 2018 y fue derrotado por pocos votos en el Senado. Pero el fuego en los corazones y las mentes de cientos de miles de activistas de todos los ámbitos de la vida estaba ardiendo, y siguieron luchando. El derecho humano de todas las mujeres, niñas y personas no conformes con el género a tener autonomía sobre sus cuerpos para decidir si continuarán o no embarazadas, pronto será una realidad para millones de argentinos. Espero que la Ola Verde argentina, se convierta en una chispa para el resto de América Latina y el Caribe e inspire a los países a cambiar sus leyes o legislar sobre el aborto, ya que millones de mujeres y niñas todavía carecen de acceso al aborto seguro y legal en la región y se ven obligadas a arriesgar sus vidas recurriendo en la clandestinidad a abortos inseguros." La ley incluye: Plazos de atención del aborto: La atención del aborto estará disponible hasta las 14 semanas de gestación. Una vez que se solicita un aborto, debe realizarse dentro de los 10 días. Cobertura completa y gratuita: La atención del aborto debe estar incluida en el Programa Médico Obligatorio (PMO) para garantizar la cobertura integral y gratuita en todos los subsistemas de salud argentinos. Consentimiento informado: El consentimiento por escrito debe ser otorgado por las personas que busca un interruoción del embarazo. Las personas que se encuentren en edad de dar su consentimiento (16 años) no necesitan estar acompañadas por un adulto. Los menores de 13 años, requerirán la asistencia de al menos uno de los padres o representante legal. "Objeción de conciencia" y referencia para garantizar el aborto: Aquellos profesioanles que nieguen la atención del aborto basado en la 'objeción de conciencia' deben referir a las solicitantes a otro centro que proporcione el servicio en tiempo y forma. La ley estipula que "en todos los casos se debe garantizar la atención del aborto" y que "los pasos y los costos asociados con la derivación y el traslado serán sufragados por el servicio que realiza la derivación". Kate Gilmore, Presidenta de la IPPF dijo: "Ola Verde Argentina, te damos las gracias. Tu persistencia, valentía, solidaridad y compasión seguirán inspirándonos a todos para realizar el derecho de las mujeres a la atención del aborto seguro y legal en todo el mundo."   Image credit: Gabriela Bacin Gemetro

us flag waving
news item

| 07 November 2020

US Election 2020: The people of the United States have voted for change and progress

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) congratulates US President-elect Joe Biden on his victory. It is hard to overstate the global damage to sexual and reproductive health and rights by the Trump Administration, and the global effort and collaboration which will be required under President-elect Biden to undo the harm. The US Global Gag Rule remains the greatest of threats to sexual and reproductive healthcare. IPPF calls on President-elect Biden to keep to his word of signing an executive order on his first day in office to repeal the harmful Global Gag Rule aka the Mexico City Policy. Further to this, we are counting on the Biden administration to push for a permanent repeal to this policy so that the shadow of it no longer hangs over communities around the world. IPPF refused to sign the Global Gag Rule because it would not be coerced or threatened into abandoning its support for access to vital safe and legal abortion care for women around the world. The consequent loss of US funding for sexual and reproductive healthcare affected 53 projects in 32 countries, severely impacted proven programs that provided comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for millions of people, especially women and girls, and marginalized communities.  IPPF Director-General Dr Alvaro Bermejo said: “Today the people of the United States have voted for change and progress.   For the past four years, the United States has been governed by macho-politics, undermining the international standing of the US and its reputation as a global leader and champion of human rights.    We very much look forward to working with the Biden Administration and we will be pushing for the permanent repeal of the Global Gag Rule; and with that to ensuring that sexual and reproductive healthcare is a reality for everyone, everywhere.”   Image source: Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash   <img src="https://tracker.metricool.com/c3po.jpg?hash=8b2b54e62fc802a9ae3ee7903a883415"/>

us flag waving

| 07 November 2020

US Election 2020: The people of the United States have voted for change and progress

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) congratulates US President-elect Joe Biden on his victory. It is hard to overstate the global damage to sexual and reproductive health and rights by the Trump Administration, and the global effort and collaboration which will be required under President-elect Biden to undo the harm. The US Global Gag Rule remains the greatest of threats to sexual and reproductive healthcare. IPPF calls on President-elect Biden to keep to his word of signing an executive order on his first day in office to repeal the harmful Global Gag Rule aka the Mexico City Policy. Further to this, we are counting on the Biden administration to push for a permanent repeal to this policy so that the shadow of it no longer hangs over communities around the world. IPPF refused to sign the Global Gag Rule because it would not be coerced or threatened into abandoning its support for access to vital safe and legal abortion care for women around the world. The consequent loss of US funding for sexual and reproductive healthcare affected 53 projects in 32 countries, severely impacted proven programs that provided comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for millions of people, especially women and girls, and marginalized communities.  IPPF Director-General Dr Alvaro Bermejo said: “Today the people of the United States have voted for change and progress.   For the past four years, the United States has been governed by macho-politics, undermining the international standing of the US and its reputation as a global leader and champion of human rights.    We very much look forward to working with the Biden Administration and we will be pushing for the permanent repeal of the Global Gag Rule; and with that to ensuring that sexual and reproductive healthcare is a reality for everyone, everywhere.”   Image source: Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash   <img src="https://tracker.metricool.com/c3po.jpg?hash=8b2b54e62fc802a9ae3ee7903a883415"/>