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Grenada Planned Parenthood Association after Hurricane Beryl

News item

Grenada Planned Parenthood Assocation provides SRHR in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl

In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, the Grenada Planned Parenthood Association (GPPA) is committed to all people’s health and well-being.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, the Grenada Planned Parenthood Association (GPPA) is committed to all people’s health and well-being. As the consequences of the hurricane might have disrupted access to essential services and basic needs, they continue to offer them in this humanitarian context. 

Here’s how they can help: 

  • Sexual and reproductive healthcare:They offer a range of confidential services, including Contraception, STI testing and counselling.
  • Emergency contraception: Need Plan B? They can help.
  • Prenatal care: They provide comprehensive prenatal care services to ensure the health of both mothers and babies. 

GPPA understands disasters can take a toll on Reproductive health. If you have any questions or need to schdule an appointment, call/message at 440-3341/ 403-3341 





Americas & the Caribbean



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Grenada Planned Parenthood Association