Forging Change, Weaving Connections: IPPF's Impact on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in 2023 in the Americas and the Caribbean
As the year 2023 draws to a close, we at IPPF express our sincere gratitude for your unwavering work that has been instrumental in advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout the Americas and the Caribbean.
As we reflect on the year, we celebrate our collective achievements in pursuit of a more inclusive, accessible, rights-based and people-centered landscape. It has been an honor to walk together, and we highlight some key initiatives in communities in 30 countries across the region.
After our regional meeting in Panama, we look forward to further strengthening our partnerships and continuing to weave together lasting actions to create meaningful change in our region, learning from each other's experiences and expertise. Looking ahead, we look forward to continuing this important work in 2024 with even more strength and exchange - together, let's shape a future in which sexual and reproductive rights are accessible to all people!
Expanding Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- We are present in 26 countries in the Americas and the Caribbean, advocating and providing sexual and reproductive health information and services.
- We provided more than 18,545,339 sexual and reproductive health services throughout the Americas and the Caribbean. Of these, 36% were provided to young people under the age of 25.
- In 2023, we welcomed 5 new Collaborating Partners: in Argentina, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti and Venezuela, and a new Member Association in Chile.
- With Member Associations and Collaborating Partners, we developed a work plan to guide our priorities as a region.
- We worked with Women Living with HIV to improve health services to address their sexual and reproductive health needs and ensure their free and safe motherhood.
- Together with our membership and strategic partners, we launched the Caribbean Observatory on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Trinidad and Tobago in December to strengthen evidence-based advocacy.
We connected advocacy at the regional and global levels to build collective responses.
- Together with Amnistía Internacional, Red por la Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe (RSMLAC), Redlactrans, Redtrasex, Synergistic - Iniciativa por los Derechos Humanos and Vecinas Feministas por la Justicia Sexual y Reproductiva en América Latina, we launched the regional alliance for human rights and promoted the inclusion of sex workers.
- We created and strengthened alliances with collectives and organizations in the Caribbean such as Feminitt Caribbean, Caribbean Vulnerable Populations Coalition and ECADE to advance the rights of LGBTIQ+ people and youth.
- We strengthened alliances with ILGA World and AWID to discuss trans and feminist solidarity.
- We articulated with organizations and agencies such as UNAIDS, ECLAC, UNFPA, UN Women and EPF to continue positioning the sexual and reproductive health and rights agenda.
- Together with Member Associations and Collaborating Partners, we issue recommendations for decision makers on key issues such as early unions, sex work, abortion and youth.
Acting with Youth at the Center
- IPPF's new regional youth network held its first meeting to strategize and elect its steering committee.
- We increased the presence of youth on the IPPF ACRO team to better serve their needs.
- The IPPF Youth Network participated in the 10th Anniversary of the Montevideo Consensus and in the Board Meeting of the Regional Conference on Population and Development.
We are stronger in social networks and the media.
- We expanded the dissemination of strategic messages on our priority issues in the region.
- We positioned ourselves as leaders in DSDR in media outlets such as Subele a la Radio, Pressenza, El, La tercera and El Observador Mundial, among others.
- We reach more than 15k people around the region with greater incidence in Peru, Mexico, Barbados, Guyana, Suriname, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, Argentina, Aruba and the United States.
Americas & the Caribbean
Our results are collective. Your dedication has been the driving force behind IPPF's impactful advances in advancing rights in the Americas and the Caribbean.
Our journey continues, share with us your achievements and contributions, your voice is important to shape the narrative of lasting change!
Thank you for being an integral part of our mission.
Did we miss something? Let us know, we want to hear about your achievements and contributions.