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#CPD57 hasta ahora: un breve resumen de la Delegación  IPPF ACRO


#CPD57 so far: a quick recap from the IPPF ACRO Delegation

There’s still so much to unpack about CPD57, but for now you can learn about the activities IPPF ACRO engaged in and our most meaningful participations in this space.

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This year, we celebrate the anniversary of one of the most important governmental agreements on human rights and sexual and reproductive health: the International Conference on Population and Development, ICPD, which was adopted by 179 countries in Cairo, Egypt, in September 1994. The ICPD is considered a historic milestone as the first global meeting to comprehensively address all aspects of human life. 


From April 29th to May 3rd this year, governments, decision makers and civil society players gathered at the fifty-seventh session of the Commission on Population and Development, the United Nations General Assembly body charged with advancing, reviewing and monitoring the implementation of the ICPD Programme of ActionWith a strong delegation, IPPF ACRO attended and drove the SRHR agenda in several spaces 



IPPF ACRO attended CPD57 as part of the IPPF Global Delegation, with Members Colectivo Rebeldía, Las Crisálidas, Mexfam, Profamilia  and Secretariat staff, including IPPF ACRO’s Director, Eugenia López Uribe, and Gabriela García, Architect of Cooperation for the Americas. 
  • Along with the opportunity to directly call out on governments and stakeholders to urgently invest in the ICPD’s Programme of Action in this oral statement, IPPF ACRO co-organized the event Financing our Rights, the ICPD and the SDGs: Where is the Money? to address the challenges and opportunities for increasing resource mobilization at national and international levels for the achievement of the Commitments set by the ICPD and reinforced by the SDGs. This online event, co-organized with FP2030 Latin America and the Caribbean Hub, was sponsored by the governments of Colombia and Brasil, and Member Associations and Collaborative Partners took the virtual stage to share success stories of investment in SRHR. IPPF ACRO’s participation focused on present recommendations on how to accelerate progress toward financing ICPD and SDGs, while ally RedTraSex brought insights from community-led efforts.  
  • Together with Amnesty International Americas, IPAS Latin America and the Caribbean, and IPPF Member Association, Profamilia Colombia, IPPF ACRO co-organized a second side event titled Thirty Years After Cairo: Sustaining Progress on Reproductive Justice in the Americas. During this in-person event, IPPF ACRO and allies reminded us of the progress made in the region towards reproductive justice and the lessons to deepen it to ensure equal guarantees of sexual and reproductive rights for all people across the region.       
  • As part of the organised Latin-American feminists' group, IPPF ACRO engaged in the preparatory meetings of civil society, met with UNFPA to prioritize the SRHR agenda and held a session on “10 Years of the Montevideo Consensus: a roadmap for progress on sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice within the framework of the ICPD +30 process”. A CSO political declaration was also built, which you can read here. 
  • IPPF ACRO participate in a broad global coalition to drive changes at the local level and international levels. As member of the International Sexual and Reproductive Rights Coalition (ISRRC) we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the ICPD’s Programme of Action and its transformative impact on the lives of women, adolescents, girls, and structurally excluded groups across all regions. You can read the declaration here.   




Americas & the Caribbean


All in all, IPPF ACRO engaged in meaningful opportunities with governments, stakeholders and civil society during #CPD57.

We know there is still much to do to deliver the ICPD’s Programme of Action, but we are committed to continue to strategically push, and monitor public policies and budget allocations to achieve Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for all.